How to Keep Your Jewelry Safe When Traveling

Traveling abroad is absolutely exciting. Especially if you’re doing it for the first time, it’s easy for you to be overwhelmed and forget about securing everything in your luggage. But learning how to pack your precious belonging is one of the best skills that you must have if you want to save yourself from the hassles of lost or stolen things – especially in a foreign territory.
We often hear a lot of horror stories about stolen fashion jewelry even in the most paradise looking destination. Unfortunately, these stories are true. And with people crowding in hotels, beaches or theme parks, it’s almost impossible to take back anything once you lost it. So if you want to make sure that you can safely bring back all your jewelry after your summer vacation, make sure to follow these simple wholesale jewelry safe keeping tips.

Tip #1 Always keep a low profile

As much as possible, avoid putting on too much pearls or wholesale gold jewelry when you’re out traveling. Fake or not, it still send a signal to people that you have money and you can afford to splurge on anything. Wearing expensive jewelry will make you susceptible to theft and other type of violence so it’s best to keep it low by wearing simple accessories.


Tip#2 Secure it inside your bag or luggage

If you’re bringing a precious jewelry with you, always make it a habit to secure it inside your bag or luggage. If you’re riding a plane, it’s best to keep your jewelry inside your hand carry bag. Do not in anyway leave your valuables unattended in restaurants, cafés and comfort room.

Tip#3 Always Lock your Hotel Room

Tourists often commit the mistake of leaving their room unsecured. Before leaving your rooms make sure that all your precious items are packed inside a drawer with reliable locks. Don’t forget to research about the effectiveness of the security of the place you’re staying in so you can have a peace of mind wherever you go.

Tip#4 Get loose or broken clasps or locks repaired

Sometimes, women loose their fashion jewelry not because of theft or any criminal activity but simply because of loose clasps and spring ring. Have your jewelry checked by professional wholesale jeweler before packing it to avoid losing it especially when going for a long ride.

It’s always fun to travel knowing that your belongings are safe and secured no matter where you go. Keep these things in mind to have a worry free summer vacation!

