Fashionable Rings for Large Sized Ladies

Fashion is for everyone. And ladies, no matter what the size of their waistline is, have the right to wear the most fashionable items available in the market today. Fortunately, there are wholesale fashion jewelry stores that sell a lot of stunning jewelry pieces even for our curvaceous friends.

Most of our plus sized friends think it is hard to find the right jewelry for their body type. Thankfully, jewelry designers and manufacturers are turning their heads on giving the most flattering jewelry designs for women all over the world. Because of this, a lot more wholesale fashion jewelry is now available for anyone who wishes to wear it – no matter what their ring size is.

Thing to remember before buying rings:

  1. Take accurate measurements of your rings. Nothing is more frustrating than ordering a ring online only to have the size too small for your finger. Similarly, a ring that is too big for your size will only make your fingers stubbier.
  2. Don’t be intimidated if you can't find your size at Wal-Mart. There are other jewelry stores that sells your type of ring so don’t be afraid to try and look around.
  3. Shop online. If you can’t find what you’re looking for at fashion boutiques, get in front of your computer and search for online wholesale jewelry stores that sells affordable and quality fashion rings.

Now that you’re ready to shop for a ring, here are some tips that you should consider when it comes to making your fingers look leaner.

  1. If you have short flabby fingers, it’s best not to wear thin bands because it will only emphasize the thickness of the rest of your fingers.
  2. Make your fingers look slimmer with an elongated diamond. Wear a fashion ring that builds the setting to most flatter the center stone. It will have a slimming effect that will definitely look good on you.
  3. Choose rings that have dark solid colors. We all know that black dress or any dark colored dresses have flattering effects for plus size ladies. This also applies to wholesale fashion rings and other jewelry. 
  4. Always buy jewelry that flatters your skin tone. Try different pieces of jewelry and decide on what color and style that flatters your skin tone the most. Keep it in mind next time you visit a jewelry shop to help you find the perfect ring in shorter time.
With these tips, you can surely find a ring that will definitely look good with your everyday outfit. Do you know any other buying tips for our plus size friends? Share it to us at the comment box!

