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Make Your Jewelry Last: Wearing and Cleaning tips for your Rings

Finding the right ring that perfectly matches your fashion and lifestyle is not easy. Looking for the ring that perfectly fits your finger is even more difficult. But when you find that one ring that makes your hands look so beautiful and classy you could only wish for its beauty and shimmer to last a lifetime.

However, is it really possible to make your rings last? If you’re going to care for your rings and wear it the right way maybe you can, maybe not for a lifetime but as long as possible.

Here are some tips on wearing and cleaning your rings to make it look fabulous for a longer period of time.

Wearing your jewelry

A lot of women wear different kinds of rings every day. From their wedding band, engagement ring or fashion ring, it is undeniable that a ring is one of the most loved jewelry pieces that women use to adorn themselves. Unfortunately, only few recognize the need to preserve their treasure by wearing it the right way and taking it off when necessary. Here are some things to remember about rings:

                Remove rings before doing household task – Common tasks such as cleaning, gardening, doing the laundry or doing some kitchen work involve chemicals or cleaning fluids that can cause discoloration or physical damage to your rings. Remember to take your rings off and put it in a safe place before doing these tasks.

                Take off rings before doing sports – Listen to your instructors when they ask you to remove all your jewelry before play begins. This will prevent damage not only to your rings but to you and your team mates as well.

                Keep your fingers free from rings in Pools and Spa – Rings may often slip out of fingers when you’re swimming. The chlorinated water on the pool can also react with the metals found in wholesale fashion jewelry collection and may even cause structural damage to some low quality rings. Avoid any consequence by keeping your fingers free from rings before going for a dip in the pool or going to spas.

Cleaning Rings

As your hands perform different activities every day, your ring may accumulate dirt and grimes that may affect the luster and the sparkle of your rings. Here are some tips on how you can properly clean your ring:

                Exercise caution when cleaning your ring – The best way to keep your rings looking good is to clean them using the right cleaning solution and polishing cloths. Be very careful in cleaning your jewelry to avoid damaging the physical appearance of your rings.

                Inspect your jewelry regularly – Always check your rings for any damage or defect so you can properly address any problem concerning your fashion rings. Take note of a missing stone, if it has to be resized or if it needs to be professionally cleaned as soon as possible.

                 Do a research before using any jewelry cleaning products – Read reviews, research on line or try using the cleaning solutions to lower value rings before applying it to your most priced items. Some products, when applied the wrong way can cause permanent damage to wholesale jewelry so it is best to be cautious about it.

Applying these simple tips on wearing and cleaning your jewelry can do a lot of wonders to make your rings shine the brightest. Feel free to share this article and let us know about these tips that we’re sharing with you. If you have more tips on how you can make your jewelry last, feel free to share it on the comment box!

