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How to Find Good Wholesale Jewelry

So you’re ready to start your own jewelry business? Good for you! Wholesale jewelry is a fashion staple – trends may come and go but it is here to stay. With the proliferation of online wholesale jewelry providers, it is has become increasingly easier for budding entrepreneurs like yourself to penetrate the fashion business through jewelry.A word of caution: It is not just important to find a wholesale jewelry supplier. It is more important to make sure that your supplier is someone you can trust to provide you high-quality and reasonably priced products.
Where do you find such a wholesale jewelry supplier? Here are some helpful tips:

Wholesale jewelry store

1. Ask around.

Benefit from the wisdom and experience of wholesale jewelry entrepreneurs before you. If they have a flourishing business, then it must mean they have a reliable supplier who keeps their business afloat.

2. Go around.

Visit bazaars, home based jewelry parties, flea markets, garage sales – wherever wholesale jewelry is possibly sold, go and raid them. Always apply tip number one – ask around. Talk to the entrepreneurs, ask the customers. What do they look for? What is their usual budget? Which items sell fast? These questions will help you get a feel of your eventual market.

3. Look for individual suppliers.

A middle man may save you all the trouble of doing research on a potential wholesale jewelry supplier. The downside is that a middle man charges an extra fee for doing the “dirty work” for you. Look at the bright side, though. It may be easier to haggle with an individual supplier than, say, a company. It’s all up to you to negotiate if you decide to solicit the help of a middle man. Just make sure that it is a trustworthy person with credible background.

4. Go online.

As mentioned earlier, the Internet is not lacking in wholesale jewelry suppliers. Dive in and do your own search. Ask friends for referrals. Compare notes. Who offers the best price? What deals and discounts do they offer? What designs do they carry? Don’t forget to develop a relationship with your vendors. Consider cultural differences. This may seen tedious at first but if you are serious about your online jewelry business, this is an important first step to build a good foundation for your business.
Here’s another tip: Try visiting Cerijewelry.com and see how this online wholesale jewelry manufacturer can help you get started on your empire.

