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Thanks Giving Promotion For Your Business: Tips and Tricks

Thanksgiving is one of the most celebrated holidays here in the US. Aside from the sumptuous food and family get together, Thanksgiving is also a great time to show how grateful you are for the love and care of your family and friends. For small businesses, it’s also a great chance to thank those who patronized your products and supported your endeavors for the past years.

Thanks Giving Promotion For Your Business

Making this day special for your business doesn’t need be expensive. With the right marketing strategy, you can widen the reach of your business and establish better brand image for your company. As you prepare for the coming of this special day, here are some tips that can come in handy.

  1. Give back to the community

If you’re into selling wholesale fashion jewelry, you can simply give back to the community by giving a portion of your Thanksgiving sales to an organization of your choice. This will also encourage your buyers to help in their own simple way and be charitable for a day. Giving is one great way to be grateful so go ahead and plan how you can help a charity or foundation in your community.

  1. Send out post cards or signed notes

Are you working with the same wholesale jewelry supplier for years already? Take time to thank them for their competitive service to your business by sending out post cards on their way. You can also grab this opportunity to thank other people who helped you in establishing your jewelry business like your mentors, friends, and other influential people in your life.

  1. Personalized Giveaways and freebies

Make things even more special by giving away personalized freebies to your loyal customers this Thanksgiving. Just look for some easy DIY projects that can work well with your jewelry items and give them away as a sign of your appreciation. They will surely love the extra effort you exert instead of just giving away a ready made freebie.

Make every thanksgiving a day to appreciate those who helped you in your business. It’s also a great opportunity to relate to your costumers by engaging with them on this special day. On our next blog, we’ll show you some quick tips on decorating your store for Thanksgiving.

